Biggest scam in SA history discovered involving medical malpractice lawsuits – state lawyers robbed SA blind of nearly R80 bn

Doctors Sound Alarm That SA Mental Healthcare Is Collapsing

Gauteng hospital shock – More than 20‚000 patients harmed due to negligence

Kliniek in Limpopo het glo geen medisyne vir diabete

Health MEC ‘putting band aid on gaping wound of oncology crisis’

NHI white paper issues raised – National Health Insurance

Just how competitive is South Africa’s private healthcare sector?

Eerste tenders vir omstrede nasionale gesondheidsversekering uitgereik

Shortage of pathologists an inconvenience to families

Blood pressure medicine recalled due to cancer risk – but the regulator took three weeks to act

Resident allegedly turned away from clinic because she’s ‘white’

Departement van Gesondheid het Kuba se hulp ingeroep met NGV

You are paying more for less when it comes to medical aid, does it make sense. Here’s why.

Staatshospitale het ‘n te kort aan dokters – dit word nou ‘n krisis

Dr Aaron Motsoaledi is clueless – NHI cannot work in SA – to push ahead with it, is an act of desperation