MEDICAL AIDS News:- Spectramed and Resolution Health merge

Witness in gruesome Mooinooi murders (Anisha and Joey Van Niekerk) killed in accident

The question on everybody’s mind is:- How will the State Liability Amendment Bill affect victims?

And the money just keep rolling in:- R20 million payday for Discovery CEO Adrian Gore

Good news for Cape Town:- The old Conradie Hospital earmarked for R3 billion development

The ageing health infrastructure to receive urgent attention

What is the road ahead for the pharma industry in South Africa

Cause of Alzheimer’s disease:- Mounting evidence that herpes virus is a cause

New Study Shows Escalating civil cases against private hospitals due to nursing malpractice

The big question is:- Why medical devices should carry warranties

Wonderful News:- R500m to recruit health professionals, buy beds and linen

Will the NHI just be another state-owned enterprise?

Looking Into Assisted Dying: South African law and the right to die on your terms

The National Health Insurance (NHI): Who’s in, who’s out and how much will it cost

Kinkhoes (whooping cough) raak woes in die Baai – Port Elizabet