How your medical bills may change under the National Health Insurance

#HASA2017: NHI needs to start delivering now

The Private healthcare industry needs to change

Is SA’s healthcare getting better?

The maddening state of Gauteng’s psychiatric facilities

Nearly 2 million will lose private healthcare if tax reform happens

Hot Medical News:- Hi-tech lung cancer lab to benefit all

Do you really think you’re going to opt out of the NHI when it comes?

NHI white paper issues raised – National Health Insurance

How will private healthcare evolve under Universal Health Coverage (UHC)?

Syndicates and devious health professionals may target National Health Insurance

NHI financing model questioned by FMF

Pharma’s role in the government’s National Health Insurance

Will the HMI insights get lost in the rush to finalise healthcare laws?

These are the cheapest and most expensive medical aids in South Africa