Pelindaba se vervaardigingsaanleg van radioaktiewe produkte vir mediese gebruik is steeds nie in bedryf nie nadat dit twee weke gelede weens ’n probleem met die waterstofreguleringstelsel gesluit is. Daarom word alle radioaktiewe molibdeen- en jodiumprodukte wat in die diagnose en behandeling van kanker en ander siektetoestande gebruik word, van die buiteland af ingevoer. Die prys..
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Kankerondersoeke se koste kan styg ná Pelindaba-probleme
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Bloemfonteinse man wag 15 dae op noodoperasie
’n Bejaarde man wat vir 15 dae in erge pyn met gangreen weens diabetes in sy een been in die Pelonomi-hospitaal in Bloemfontein op ’n noodoperasie gewag het, is uiteindelik Dinsdagmiddag teater toe. Frederick Thiart (77) van Edenburg in die Vrystaat is met sere aan sy regterbeen deur ’n dokter na ’n chirurg by die..
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The dire, depressing state of four Durban public hospitals
Durban – Four of the largest public hospitals in Durban are crumbling and lacking basic services such as access to water. The grim state of these government-run hospitals in KwaZulu-Natal was detailed in a report commissioned by National Health Minister, Dr Aaron Motsoaledi. In December 2016, Motsoaledi tasked the Ministerial Task Team (MTT) to undertake..
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Departement sloer met plasings vir gesondheidspraktisyns
Solidariteit het vandag in ʼn skrywe beide die minister van gesondheid, Aaron Motsoaledi, en die departement van gesondheid op terme geplaas om te voldoen aan hul statutêre verpligtinge om gemeenskapspraktisyns vir hul verpligte gemeenskapsdiensjaar te plaas. Dit volg nadat Solidariteit verskeie klagtes van sy lede en van die publiek ontvang het dat daar steeds ʼn..
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Baba glo mishandel in staatshospitaal aan die Wes-Rand
‘n Randfontein-ma het ‘n saak van verwaarlosing en mishandeling by die polisie ge-open nadat haar baba vermoedelik mishandel was in die sorg van ‘n staatshospitaal. ‘n Agt-maande-oue baba van Randfontein wat onlangs ‘n pasiënt in ‘n staatshospitaal aan die Wes-Rand was, het glo die dag nadat hy opgeneem is, onverklaarbare blou merke op sy gesiggie..
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Gross negligence after patient’s body found hanging after three days
Medical staff at Durban’s Addington Hospital have been accused of gross negligence after the body of a patient, who allegedly committed suicide in a ward’s bathroom, was apparently found three days later. The 25-year-old patient, whose identity is yet to be established, was found hanging in the toilet of surgical ward 3B on Monday. It..
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Suid Afrika word geraak deur medisyne krisis na vervaardiging aanleg sluit
Talle kankerpasiënte loop die risiko dat hul allerbelangrike bestralingsbehandeling halfpad gestaak sal moet word omdat die aanleg wat kankermedisyne by Pelindaba vervaardig weens veiligheidsprobleme gesluit is. Onkoloë en bestralingskundiges sit nou met die hand in die hare omdat die behandeling van pasiënte wat ernstig siek is onbepaald uitgestel moet word of nie sal kan voortgaan..
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Vrystaatse gesondheidsdepartement staar R1,5 miljard se regseise in gesig
Die Vrystaatse gesondheidsdepartement word deur R1,5 miljard se regseise in die gesig gestaar en het R300 miljoen se rekeninge aan krediteure wat betaal moet word. Dit blyk uit die departement se tweede kwartaalverslag wat in die Vrystaatse wetgewer se openbare rekeninge-komitee bespreek is. Butana Komphela, Vrystaatse LUR vir gesondheid, het voor die komitee gesê sy..
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So kies jy die regte mediese plan vir jou
Hospitaalplanne, omvattende dekking, netwerkopsies . . . Besluit watter opsie vir jou die beste is. As jy lid is van ’n mediese fonds, het jy tot 15 Desember kans om jou voordeleopsie vir 2018 te verander. Oorweeg jou gesin se omstandighede: Hoeveel is julle; hoe is jul gesondheid; wat kan jy bekostig? Besluit dan watter..
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Vital clinic in Eastern Cape has only 1 doctor twice a month
Close to eight villages in Nxarhuni outside Mdantsane in East London depend on Newlands Clinic. But the clinic has only one doctor who comes in twice a month, according to a GroundUp report. A clinic committee member who did not want to be named said: “The doctor comes on the first Monday of the month,..
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Intervention sought over ‘hospital horror’ at Warmbaths Hospital
The Post received a lengthy complaint from Barry Bredenkamp regarding alleged poor service at the Bela-Bela (Warmbaths) hospital. Bredenkamp stated that a young man had committed suicide in the early hours of Sunday, 24 September, at Bela-Bela. Bredenkamp said that the man’s mother woke-up to the tragic news early on the Sunday morning and immediately..
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‘Bogus’ online doctor to be probed
The Government Employee Medical Scheme has launched an investigation into claims it allowed staff at public relations firm Martina Nicholson Associates to give medical advice on its online column titled Dr Joe. Dr Joe was an online service for members of the GEMS medical aid scheme who wanted to discuss health concerns with a doctor…
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Ma wag op operasie, word ‘vergeet’ in stoorkamer
’n Vrou is woedend nadat haar sieklike ma, wat ’n noodoperasie aan ’n bloeiende maagseer moes ondergaan, ure lank in ’n stoorkamer in die Pelonomi-hospitaal in Bloemfontein “vergeet” is. Desire Nel, ’n administrateur van Johannesburg, sê haar ma, Veronica (59), is Saterdag in die vroeë oggendure van die hospitaal op Odendaalsrus na Pelonomi oorgeplaas. Veronica,..
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Medical aid waiting periods and late-joiner penalties: What. How. Why?
The world of medical schemes in South Africa is a very different one to 25 years ago. There are strict rules and regulations governing the industry, there to protect both the members and the financial sustainability of the scheme. Now is the time of year when medical schemes announce their annual increases and benefit changes…
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Cancer treatment waiting times in KZN increase by almost 30% as services stall
Cancer patients are waiting up to nine months for treatment, says the South African Human Rights Commission. KwaZulu-Natal cancer patients are now waiting nine months for treatment, alleges Democratic Alliance spokesperson for health in KwaZulu-Natal Imran Keeka. In a statement, Keeka said South African Human Rights Commission (SAHRC) chairperson Bongani Majola revealed this new information..
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