Staking by die San Michele-tehuis in Brakpan is vir eers opgeskort nadat een van die psigiatriese pasiënte dood is

Disabled persons left to fend for themselves due to strike at San Michele’s home for psychiatric and disabled patients

Rahima Moosa Mother and Child Hospital:- Possible link between baby formula, deaths in Joburg hospital

Malaria is still a major problem in Africa, now there are a novel approach that brings African scientists closer to a malaria vaccine

Hospital News:- Rahima Moosa Hospital: “The hospital has violated the right of access to health” – says SAHRC

MEDICAL AIDS News:- Spectramed and Resolution Health merge

The question on everybody’s mind is:- How will the State Liability Amendment Bill affect victims?

Man’s tumour misdiagnosed as a headache at Groote Schuur Hospital – told to take a tablet and go home

This is what the ANC-government did to SA’s health care! – Cancer patients in KZN must wait up to six months for mammogram screening

SA’s medical health in shambles – 21 Patients still missing after the devastating Life Esidimeni tragedy that occurred in 2015

Good news for Cape Town:- The old Conradie Hospital earmarked for R3 billion development

The ageing health infrastructure to receive urgent attention

New study at Stellenbosch University will look at synthetic blood products for the resuscitation of trauma victims

What is the road ahead for the pharma industry in South Africa

Cause of Alzheimer’s disease:- Mounting evidence that herpes virus is a cause