Previous studies have linked lack of sleep to a number of health issues such as hypertension, obesity and diabetes. Lack of sleep also affected the immune system and now new studies reveal that lack of sleep has the same impact on the human body as high stress does. As reported in the American Academy of Sleep Medicine. “Sleep deprivation effect on the immune system mirrors physical stress.” – ScienceDaily, 1 July 2012.
You’ve probably noticed yourself that after a stressful time like a new job, moving, exams and those kinds of things, you suddenly get flu?
Stress creates a type of fight or flight reaction in your immune system and it can take a long time to get back to full balance. But now it’s apparent that it’s not only stress that needs to be looked at and balanced, it is also sleep, or lack thereof.
In the clinical trial some of the steps taken to help the participants get a good night’s rest started before the trial itself. The steps were ensur
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