Matric class of 2019 will struggle to find jobs – SA Youth unemployment rate rose to 58.2 percent in the third quarter of 2019

More than 10 million people are unemployed in SA – Rate higher than USA and Germany combined

Unemployment in SA is currently 27.6% – but the ANC regime tells voters how the figure is going to fall, they just have to vote for the party

Another deceit from the ANC regime! – Gold Field Mine announced that it is necessary to lay down 1,100 workers, just a few days after the ruling government has assured no retrenchments will be made

ANC regime causes unemployment rate of 27.5% with a total unemployed rate currently at about 6.2 million people during their reign

ANC-regime’s jobs summit promised a lot but delivered very little

Thank you ANC-regime! – South Africa has the highest youth unemployment rate of any other country in the world

South-Africa has the highest unemployment rate of all countries in the world

Nearly 50% of Northern Cape without jobs