Who are the Racists? Half of Cape Registered Black Voters in CIAG Independence Poll say Race-Based Volkstaat is OK!

Morocco Uses Illegal Migrants as a Weapon! Sends 8,000 Migrants Swarming Across the Border to Spain, Who Shelter Moroccan Separatist!

What is The “Two State Solution” Being Discussed All Over Social Media? Everyone From A to Z Wants to Escape ANC’s Gangster State!

Axis of Shame: Suicidal Lesotho Signs UN Resolution Praising China for Oppressing Hong Kong With National Security Law?

The Cape Secedes from South Africa! Khoi King Khoebaha III Declares The Sovereign State of Good Hope Independent!


Israel accused of “policies and practices that constitute the crime of apartheid, beyond a reasonable doubt”. World Supremacist UN disagrees.

Mighty Zulu, 200 years old this year yet still enslaved. Can Zulu survive the sustained attack from globalist supremacists?

A Glimpse Into History – The Forgotten Boeremag Prisoners – A Gross Rape of Justice Gone Unchallenged

The Cape Party’s 20 Point Agenda for Local Government in The Cape, Towards Independence:

Multiculturalism, Globalism and “Democracy” Are Genociding Africa’s Oldest Race, the San Bushmen…

Will Zuma end like Qaddafi who was killed in a Western driven false color revolution that wants to give Malema the power?

Retired CIA Spy died two weeks after admitting CIA involvement in arresting mandela, a “communsit toy” in South Africa

3rd Party International Factual Review of the AbomiNation that is South Africa – Aggressively Ending Apartheid Destroyed Black Independence

Black Africans MUST give back the land THEY stole from Khoi-San and rename Homo-Naledi to Homo-San!