General Manager of the Medical Scheme Council is suspended after it came to light that he misled counsel around decisions taken in favor of certain organizations

Need to know information:- What to look out for when choosing a medical scheme

The biggest medical aid schemes in South Africa – and how much they’re charging in 2018

Experts decry plan to consolidate small medical schemes !!

Do you really think you’re going to opt out of the NHI when it comes?

Syndicates and devious health professionals may target National Health Insurance

Anger over medicines supply scheme

Hospital cash-back plans crimped by new law

You might ask the following question regarding the NHI:- Will I be able to opt out of the NHI?

What the National Health Insurance means for you & your pocket

New Act could redress medical scheme sustainability issues

The POPI Act:- What it means for medical aid schemes

10 reasons why medical malpractice is threatening SA healthcare

The biggest medical aid schemes in South Africa – and how much they’re charging in 2018

Experts decry plan to consolidate small medical schemes !!