Boeremag Case Unjust and Out of Proportion. Pretorius Boer brothers lodge own Appeal after 14 years

THIS IS SOUTH AFRICA: The Evil Powers Behind The Destruction Of Our Country

Supremacist ANC threatens Malema again with Boeremag style oppression and suppression of political freedom.

What night time means to an 18 year girl old in South Africa:

Brazilian starts Petition to get European South Africans the Right to Return to Europe causing UK’s Express to be xenophobic!

Are Bantu African languages inadequate for Modern Society or do the just prefer Totalitarian States and genocide?

Black man wants Apartheid back despite BBC reporter trying to brainwash him

Dr. G. Stanton from Genocide Watch re-confirms Farm Murders are hate crimes.

I am the Afrikaner

Government to discuss Self Determination with Boer Afrikaner Volksraad

Boer Farmers Heading to Georgia for New Life

Government wants to oppose Boere-Afrikaner Volksraad’s demand for talks

Largest land claim in South African history